Happy Couple

Happy Couple

Friday, June 25, 2010

Waiting for my call!

I got the call in the living room and I can't wait to find out where I am going.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mission Call

My mission papers are in and I have been told that it takes three weeks to recieve the call in the mail. So I will probably get the call while my parents are at camp. Which means I will have to drive to girls camp with out looking at it so my parents will be be there. Oh I would be dead if I opened it without them. I am so excited and glad I am deciding to do this now.

My family is behind me the whole way, and I want to thank my parents and siblings and even my extended family for being good example for me. Those that went on missions and are still on missions. I love you all! Life is now, is bliss. I am with family, dancing, and now have a job. I work as a server at a retirement home.

It's money in the pocket and will keep me busy. I do fit in the Wii here and there and have found I like to cook and try new foods. I have learned though that cooking for a family is much more difficult then I thought. But my brothers forgive me, if I make dessert or something sweet. I love you brothers!!!! My life is beginning a new chapter and I am ready as ever for it!

Monday, May 3, 2010

First Week Home

My first week home was full of job applications and unpacking. I had my first dance rehearsal for the up coming dance show in June. I have had doctors appointments for my mission papers and just family time. We started the next week with my nephew's birthday party. My sister made a spiderman themed cake with towers and a black road. My favorite part was my nephew's reactions to the presents he recieved. He is so cute! The whole day at church he would go around telling the family and anyone who he knew that it was his birthday that day. I am going to miss him and the rest of my sister's family while they are in Michigan for three years. Thank goodness for digital pictures and e-mailing.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wiki Contributions


Here is the link to my lesson plan on the wiki website


Here is the link to my Google reader blog I subscribed to this semester.

Teaching my parent about Internet Saftey

Teaching my mom about internet saftey was a good choice. I have to be honest. It was more of a discussion than a lesson. We talked about how in my childhood, she had a separate account for each of us kids. We had our own passwords, that only she knew. It was very difficult to catch the computer unattended with it still logged in. The understanding that people on the internet chat rooms were strangers, sent a message that chat rooms and other networking was a no -no, when we were still in elementary school. Not until 8 grade did i feel I had some more freedom about the internet. I told my mom about specific information that we should not have posted on the internet, and about Brother Wests idea about the 24 hour credit card number. My mom really liked that suggestion, and has used it a couple of times.

I hope to teach my children the evils on the internet that could come up, and then have to hope they will listen to you when you give them some leg room to explore on their own. It is helpful to have a close relationship with your kids, so secrets don't have to be an issues when it comes to working on the computer. My mom agreed, which makes sense, because she probably taught that to her kids starting at a very young age.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Things As they Really Are

In the beginning of the semester I made a powerpoint about this talk given by Elder Bednar. And since it is one of the choices for our readings for the Internet Saftey Project I decided to post my power point.

Things As They Really Are Power Point. This presentation has the high points that made an impact on me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Article Review on Internet Saftey

I read an article off of the Education World website. It was a debate about how parents should control their kids Internet activity. What I mostly got out of it was there has to be rules given to the kids. An outline of set rules to every student and child can make it a combined effort to keep them safe working together with parents and teachers. Don't give out personal info, and keep good communication between the kids. If the parents keep the same rules and be good examples, then it is easier for a kid to follow.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Movie Maker Project

Here is the movie I made to instruct people about the BEST

(Body, Energy, Space, and Time) Method of Contemporary Dance and aslo things to look for

while critiquing a concert. Students from my classes helped me out including my dance teacher

Marin. This is my very first movie, so I hope you enjoy the information and dancing.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Weekly Thought

I was there at during the presentations. I was happy to see my classmates represent mindmeister and diigo. I also was interested in the portable keyboard and mouse. Why would students take turns using the keyboard. What good is it to only have one, when you want all the students to participate. I think I missed the whole point for that particular one.

With my classmates' project I am convinced their ideas can help me with writing any of my essays. I love the being able to clearly see my train of thought and fix quickly what doesn't fit. And I like their movie the best!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010




Names: Brianne Burnham

UEN Standard: Standard 3
(Creating): The student will improvise, create, perform, and respond to movement solutions in the art form of dance.


Lesson Objective: Teach how to make and construct a dance about a poem.




Name of the Movie and who it is by.


Title: “Name of the Poem” Dance

2 Introduction to the Game: Someone will be speaking to the camera. Telling the class how to play.




Speaker: Introduces themselves and then tells the class they are going to play a matching game.

He tells them to split into two groups.

The way to win is to match the correct piece of the poem with the given dance phrase.

Then tells the class to get ready!

3 First movement phrase. A dancer will perform the movement.




A dancer performs the first phrase. Then waits for a second and does it one more time.

4 Three possibilities are shown

Three boxes with text are shown.

5 The right answer is then matched with the movement. Or highlighted!

The right one is revealed to the class. It is the teachers job to pause the movie, to let the students talk amongst their peers.

6 Second movement phrase. A dancer will perform the movement.

A dancer performs the first phrase. Then waits for a second and does it one more time.

7 Three possibilities are given.

Three boxes with text are shown.

8 The right answer is then matched with the movement. Or highlighted!

The right one is revealed to the class.

9 Third movement is shown

A dancer performs the first phrase. Then waits for a second and does it one more time.

10 Three possibilities are given.

Three boxes with text are shown.

11 The right answer is then matched with the movement. Or highlighted!

The right one is revealed to the class.

12 The speaker then congratulates the class and the winning team.

The speaker tells them they finished the game and congratulates the winning team. And tells them they now get to see the whole dance as the poem is read.

13 The dancer performs the whole movement. And reveals the whole poem. In result to the classes help.

The whole dance is shown while the poem is read. Then the class is encouraged to create a dance about their favorite piece of art.










Story Board


This the link to my Story Board.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Video 2 Examination

This video listed the music and said what was changed. But it did not list at the end where they got their clips or pictures. And they did not cite the information about the earth. I feel I am being really picky! I love both these videos though.

Video 1 Examination

Just a great way to teach the students the presidents and show off some talent. The music was listed and the there was no research that needed to be cited. It even listed who participated.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekly Thought

Today in my Orientation to Dance Class, a presentation was given on Ballet and the history behind how it became more contemporary, then the classical pantomime style. The pictures look great and the information seemed right, but I did not see and sighting of resourses afterwards.

There were youtube videos shown, but only seconds of the videos. I was reminded of how graceful ballet can look, and how far it has split away from the traditional 1600's style ballet. But I am now more aware of how to get information since this is the subject I am majoring in. It would have been nice to know where the information came from. Even the info that was not on the presentation should have been sighted right?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Weekly Thought

This week in class we discussed copyright. Of course, many of us didn't know the rules exactly, and our knowledge on the subject was, site everything and do not plagiarize. I loved the movie in class Brother West showed. It left me more aware that copyright has a lot to do with integrity, and credit. Who is really the one who came up with the idea, and who should receive the credit of that work?

Later that week my composition teacher Caroline Prohosky, showed us a clip from a movie about the people who were working on the discovery of medicine for diabetics. In the end she said the awards were given to certain men, that did no take it, unless their assistants received the awards as well. These men made sure each person received the glory for their work.

In my studies in dance, and in my own personal choreography, I must be true to other peoples movement and not copy or take credit for something I did not create. I think many people justify bad choices like copying, which they shouldn't. There is no other way to be truly satisfied with your dance, when you know you created all of it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Final Draft: Lesson Plan

This is the link to my Persoanl Technology Project Lesson Plan.

This is the video I downloaded. For the activity.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Too much fun!

I have discovered a new technology. It has to do with speech dictation. I'm actually using it right now to write this post. It hears me perfectly. I have a microphone built into my computer so I use that to speak into the computer. The program is a free download called e-speaking. What is great about this program is that I can write my papers without having to type. I talk faster than I can type. I still don't have all the commands memorized, but it is fun to talk to my computer and see it type when I say something to my computer. I can also use this program to open and close windows and to move to different windows. I can close my computer and open it. For now it has gotten everything I've said correctly. I don't think I will use this as my project, but it will help me when I think out loud and outline papers.

I think I'm having too much fun talking to my computer. Telling it what to write and watching it happen without me unfolding my arms is really cool to watch. The more I talk the more it recognizes my voice. I'm going to end my post and maybe start on my lesson plan for this class.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Project Layout

For my project I decided I would learn how to use Viddler. This allows teachers to critique their students and let groups of students critique each other. I have never downloaded a video on YouTube or Viddler before, so I may have to start by learning how to do that. I want my lesson to incorporate my students on a more honest level with each other.

My goal is at the end to have every student improve in critiquing someone competently. I find it personally difficult to look at myself in videos, so the atmosphere I want to create with viddler is a sense of all around good fun and a no shame zone.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Weekly Thought

As of today I have new website, http://sites.google.com/site/burnhamteaching/home. This website will be used as a great communication link between my future students and myself. The homework can be posted and shown. I can be creative with assignments, and pertain to the norm students prefer. The make-believe homework assignments are fun to come up with too. My dream will be by the time I graduate, my artistic talent will not just flow from my body, but through my hands on to this new website and my blog. My posters will become more detailed, and the videos will have a clear intent for the student to learn successively.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weekly Thought

Last week, my professor brought up a good point about facebook. He suggested to have two accounts, one personal and one for teaching. At first I was amazed facebook was mature enough to use as a professional website. But I can see how it would be easier and would get to that point where students would communicate through facebook. I might stick with my blog, for now, and in a few years there might be new and exciting technology when I start teaching my own class, that I may use instead.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

There are more blogs and articles I subscribed to, but I could not fit them all so I am picking all my dance based subscriptions to talk about.

1) Great Dance widens my view on contemporary looks and cultural dancing. The pictures she chooses and the explanations are clear and understandable.

2) Teaching for Tech. is the class blog. I love Google reader because it shows me what exactly is new on the blog. It makes life a bit easier for me.
3) Educational Teaching and Life: I hope to learn the appropriate language. This will be difficult to follow, because I am an amateur. But it is exciting to follow a blog concerning matters hopefully I will be dealing with as I teach. Just the knowledge of having the right to learn freely from others is exciting.
4)NDEO informs me of concerts and dance events that I can maybe discuss for classes I am taking. It is updated frequently which is nice. Hopefully it will bring up more news about the national dance deapartment after their big meeting.
5)Dance Advantage pertains to me personally. I love this blog. The advice is great for the situations I am in right now during school. I chose this to learn about what other dancers are doing in my situation.

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Backgrounds

This is just a shout out to all of you who like my background. I found a website that allows you to download new and FREE backgrounds. Click on the link on my blog at the top left corner. It say hot bliggity blog. Follow there instructions and WALA! If you have any questions just leave me a message.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Second Post

For my first post on my blog I was so nervous to write something boring. But I guess since it is my very own blog I can say what ever I want. Since, this blog will be for my IPT class I would like to descibe my past experience with technology. I know how to get on the internet, and use it for research for papers. I know how to get to games and look at pictures. But I have not used any special programs or websites that I think would help me with my teaching. So I am interested to learn about what is out there in the world wide web. I was given a beautiful list of names of students who will be in my group. And hopefully we will be able to help eachother with the certain tasks and projects given. I am excited to keep up with my new blog and will try my best to keep this interesting.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My Very First Post

Wow! This is so exciting!

Video 1

Video 2